I know I have been
missing from here for way too long. Yes, the last post was in March this year
and I owe you an explanation and I have some something to share.
It was November 2007 when
I started writing here and decided to call it purplehomes for the simple reason
that purple happens to be my favourite colour and doing up my home was and
still is an obsession. What started as a little scrapbook of sorts soon became
a place to meet all of you equally design and décor crazy lovely people, a
place to share, learn and inspire and a place I began to “show up for work”
everyday. This month I complete seven beautiful years of doing that.
Happy seventh
purplehomes! Seven years of sharing the celebrations in my life, the DIYs that
I attempted, my other love studio pottery and more. If someone had asked me
back then in 2007 if I would be doing this for seven years I would have said no
ways. I didn’t even stick to a job this long in my past life :)
Along the way many
wonderful opportunities came up… working for a cause, starting artprints by purplehomes, writing for magazines and beingwritten about , being declared the BestBlog by BBC GoodHomes and so much more.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Now for the explanation bit; like with
everything in life with time new things take shape and for me it began with my
sister conning me into going for MasterChef India three years back which was
followed by the birth of my second blog, Orange Kitchens, writing for foodmagazines, conducting food workshops and demonstrations and very recently
becoming the Food Revolution Ambassador for Dubai.
Managing two blogs along with all the
other wonderful work and opportunities that began to pour in got a little difficult. If
I was active on one blog the other would suffer which is exactly what happened here.
So (insert deep breath) for the moment I
have decided to go for a long break here at purplehomes and focus entirely on
the food love in my life. The next one year is looking promising with a couple of
professional and personal goals, all revolving around food and children and I
want to give it my hundred percent. I am really really hoping all of you who have
given me so much love in the past seven years will be there cheering for me,
supporting me and showing up to say hello :)
Till I decide to come back, please savour
the old posts on the blog, see what I've been cooking, join me in my quest for
food education, say hi to me (I am on facebook, Instagram , twitter and pinterest) and keep
being the awesome awesome people you always have been.
Till we meet again, a little recap of all these beautiful years.
You were there through my numerous color crushes
My totally mad fetish times
You enjoyed the Go Green series
With you I met some insanely creative design bloggers
And most importantly you were a part of my happy times and not so happy times. Be it Sara's first birthday, our anniversaries, celebrating festivals, going with me to handicraft fairs, seeing my get potty about pots, appreciating my work, encouraging me when I made my Because it makes me happy list, and so much more.
A BIG Hug to all you lovely readers.
Leaving with you some decor mantras I try to live by.

Images : Original posts have all the credits mentioned
Give 100 percent to both... the amount of accolade you have got for this blog shouldn't go waste. Manage, organise, keep awake - I don't know, please don't let a living blog die!
What about the readers who have made your blog so successful? Take time out - may be a post every fortnight. Please.
Oh! I felt sad reading this post Prachi, but I understand what you say about time constraints...and two loves :)...so here is The Keybunch wishing you the very best, success in all that you do...and I am curious about that personal goal because there was the word "children in the next phrase" ;)..........good luck, god bless, and get going girl! Wishing you happy times!
love and hugs
Your post touched my heart. Though I was not a regular reader but I always enjoyed coming to your blog.
Wish you luck for all your future endeavors. Wish you success in life.
Very nice and touchy post. Loved reading it will all emotions. Thank u so very much for this wonderful post.
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