Saturday, April 24, 2010


What is this? A cake or a cupcake or a cupcake in a teacup? (Say that fast, will you?) Teacupcakes!!! Yes this is what it is! Aren't they so adorable? I just couldn't resist posting these here. I know many of you lovely readers are crazy tea-lovers too! Enjoy!

Image: here


Aneela Z said...

...i could one better this, make the cups edible...but not white choc

Aneela Z said...

as in better this by one...typing dyslexia

Melly said...

oh its scrumptious!!! Your blog is lovely, I'll be back when I have more time.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Aneela: Now thats a very dangerous idea:)

Melly:Welcome!Hope to see you here again!